Monday, September 18, 2006

HP's support is ranked top ten in the world but ...

Evo Drivers Support

If the page above doesn't load for you it's sad. This is supposed to be a support page for an HP Evo desktop. Supposedly the loacation from which a dekstop owner could download drivers and other desktop updates. It's down. It's been down for several days. Support pages come up for other dekstops for for some reason , for days, no one can get updates for evo desktops or towers or any other version of the system.

I've alwys like hp's efforts for providing online desktop support for thier products. I think their one of the best. I think they ven won some award and were in the top ten in the world. But this is the bad side. If for days a desktop owner can't get to a part of their support site that's for thier desktop then what exectly was the award for? Is their a way to cast a vote? Thier should be because although this is not normal for HP it falls into a real bad catagory and in the neighborhood of some real crappy support provided by other vendors which they beat out in the competition that brough them into the yop ten. Boo!.